Consign your lightly used outdoor gear & find top outdoor brands at affordable prices.

Currently Accepting Spring Items!
Rain Gear
Light Jackets
Hiking Shoes & Boots
Casual Pants & Button Shirts
We are now transitioning into Spring season, we will no longer be accepting any Winter items on consignment.
We accept Consignments on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between the hours of 11am - 5pm.
Please limit to 10 Consignment items or less per day!
Consigning your items made easy
Bring items into the store
Bring your items in to the store during our consignment intake days Monday, Wednesday or Friday between the hours of 11a - 5p. *10 items or less per day
Quality gear
Our staff will look through your items to ensure it fits the standard of the store. Please be sure that your gear is lightly used and clothing items are rip, stain and pet-hair free before bringing them in.
Track items and get paid out
Use your Consignor ID to track your items on our website, once your items sell your account will be credited with 50% of the selling price. You can use credit in store and receive 10% back on any purchase or request a check on our website.
What We Do: Gear
Headwall Sports is not a thrift store. We are an outlet where outdoorsy people (like you) purchase or sell new-to-you gear that has plenty of life left to enjoy.
We set a fair price and sell everyone’s quality second hand items on consignment. Our consignors receive half of the sale price, paid via check when requested, or used as store credit with a bonus +10% when redeemed. At our shop, we want to sell you the supplies you need in exchange for your second hand favorites that deserve an upcycle.
Conveniently situated between Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, we have plenty of opportunities to explore. At Headwall Sports we believe that having proper equipment for any activity should not be prohibitively expensive. We encourage a space where we can all connect, inspire, and most importantly - GET OUTSIDE.